Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mobile Payment Systems in Malaysia : Its Potentials and Consumers' Adoption Strategies

I went back to my hometown last weekend by train. I usually took the 1.30 train in the afternoon but last week i had to take the 8.15 night train. This happened because the 1.30 train tickets were all sold out. So i wasted my whole afternoon loitering around KL missing a great dinner back at home. Yeah i was angry but what could i have done... nothing i thought, until i got on the train and took my seat. I saw the most interesting thing for that entire day - I CAN PURCHASE THE TRAIN TICKETS USING MY MOBILE PHONE (so now all of you know where this story of mine was leading to). This is something i haven't heard of at least until that day.

Purchasing train tickets is not the only transaction which could be made through a mobile phone. Bill payments, music and game purchases, phone credit top-up, movie ticket purchases and even payment for pizzas and fries could be made. So where do all the money come from? The funds come from your credit card, debit card, current account and from your phone credit.

Stating all these, i can see that mobile payment systems have a huge potential in Malaysia. I state this because 9 out of 10 Malaysian citizen have at least one hand set (some have 2 or 3; 1 for business use, 1 for the family and the last for the mistress). The model and type of hand set is not an issue as the system is applicable on all mobile phone models.

Now a days, more Malaysians are addicted to online shopping. This is a very good sign for mobile payment companies as more and more people would be aware that payments could be made through their mobile phone. Teenagers especially would welcome the mobile payment system due to not having a credit or debit card.

, Digi, and the new addition to the family U-mobile are the service providers of hand phone lines. Having a perfectly competitive environment would stimulate the market for mobile payment systems because the users will benefit from all the marketing strategies (price slashes, promotion rewards, etc.). People will pay through their mobile phones more often as the competition amongst service providers will make the system convenient and rewarding.

Having potential alone won't make mobile payment systems boom, consumers' adoption strategies must be implemented as well. the first strategy is to make known this system and technology to the public. Not many are aware of the functions of mobile payment systems. I dare say this because.... i had no idea that the train ticket could be purchase through my mobile phone and when i told my neighbors that some bills could be paid through SMS, they scolded me and said it was a sham (haha.. that's how unknown it is).

The next step is to gain the users and potential users trust by beefing up the security and reliability. There have been complains that that payment has been made but the games and songs ordered were not delivered.


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